EL CERRITO HIGH SCHOOL • El Cerrito, CA Constructing Urban High School Students as Achievers |
Print Other Work by Joan Cone: Monograph:Co-constructing Low Achievement (pdf) "The Gap is in Our Expectations," Newsday, 5/26/02 (pdf) Poster: Co-constructing Low Achievement (JPG) Reflective Video Analysis of Classroom Period Download Joan Cone's Materials and Strategies
View Video: Entire class session(streaming) Reflective Video Analysis of Classroom Period Link to Related Work: Jeannie Oakes, "Detracking: The Social Construction of Ability, Cultural Politics, and Resistance to Reform" Timothy Boerst, "Ownership of Learning" Yvonne Divans Hutchinson, "A Friend of Their Minds" |
This website describes Joan Cone's teaching journey to address challenges of diversity, inequity, and achievement in her High School English classroom. At El Cerrito High School, Cone has been an integral part of an ongoing struggle to detrack the English curriculum. Over the past few years, her thinking has built from an investigation into the "co-construction of low achievement," to address what she's learned by developing essential practices to construct students as achievers in her classroom and the school.
Constructing Achievers: What one class session looks like 1. Form Diverse Groups
Students are placed into mixed groups to foster diverse dialogue,
and the activity is structur ed to support students'
abilities to challenge and learn from each other. 2.Establish Routines for Focused Discussion
involve each other in an attentive investigation of the literary prompt,
and use it as a springboard for spirited discussion. 3. Enable Students to Challenge One Another
can use the common text to anchor their opinions and perspectives, and
can challenge each other without arguing. 4. Intervene Periodically to Provide Scaffolding
the teacher intervenes after the discussion has gotten going, to probe
students' interpretations of the text, and suggest tools for improving
their analysis. |